hello everyone, i just got home from tiara's crib and its been a loooooong time i havent posted anything yet. sorry im too busy with all of those craps and i forgot you oops sorry bebehhh(eww).
so from now ill be active again like i used to.
and bye, gotta go to find some ideas
ive got you
Saturday, October 24, 2009
fresh new start
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 1:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Soulnation 2009
hello again everyone. now im gonna post about Java Soulnation 09
so im gonna watch with my best gawls; Tiara Salvabilla (@tsalvabilla), Diandra Devita (@diandradvt) and my friend from binus, Anneesha Atheera (@atheeraa)
uuh cant wait to watch THE TING TINGS!also...........
Maliq n d'essentials.
well thats all........gotta go, byeeee.
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 2:45 AM 0 comments
My Saturday Plan
hello, now im gonna post about my saturday plan with my girlfriends; Diandra Devita (@diandradvt) and Emily Jasmine (@emljsm)
so our plan is first we'll go to emily's house for a while, then we'll go to Kemang Icon for swimming yeaaay finallyyy!
wii i cant wait to swim! i know im so noraaak
then maybe we'll eat pizza at izzi pizza
or if possible we'll take pizza making lesson at pizza marzano, uuuw its gonna be funfunfun!
after that maybe we'll find somewhere else or just go to em's house before we go shisha-ing
hihi im sure we'll take so many pictures together with my fisheyeeee, UHH CANT WAIT!
okaythen byebye, gonna post about something else. see ya in a moment.
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 2:03 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
Dinner Party with Miss Universe 2009
heyheya, i've changed my blog's header hihi hope ya like it;)
So.........hari sabtu kemaren gue Dinner Party gitu sama Miss Universe 2009: Stefania Fernandez di Nikko Hotel.
ini dia orgnya:ih pokoknya dia tuh ya ga cantik-cantik amat tapi soknyaaaaaa selangit ckck. masa ya kan abis gue foto sama dia gt gue senyumin kan dia eh trus bukannya malah senyum balik malah jutek trus buang muka, ewwwww i-hate-the-miss-bad-attitude.
haha bener kata kanya (@knydhanika) catikan Dayana Mendoza (Miss Universe 2008)
okay, trus main course dinnernya tenderloin steak and lobster or something and dessertnya kue apa gt lupa pokoknya enak bgt deh gaboong. Acara di dinnernya ada kyk Hono-o-daiko haha sama opera2 thing whatsoever yg ga terlalu menghibur jadinya gue bosen apalagi disebrang gue ada si stefania fernandez abal, huh males deh liat mukanya.
Abis itu gue pulang dulu pdhl sblmnya mau ke G.I tp bonyok males, ya udah deh selesai
i've got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 3:41 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Technology Class
hey blogreaders, now i'm in technology class doing some stupid stuff and sadly i cant open facebook, twitter and youtube because its banned (screw you, Binus!) so i can just open the boriiiing blogger. okay whatever i dont know what to do and im sorry because i havent been posting since.............forever (lebay). maybe later i'll post something more interesting than this.
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
At Binus
bonjour bitches. skrg gue lagi di Library gt disekolah gue, BINUS SIMPRUG haha so kita disini disuruh search ttg project buat International Humanities tapi berhubung gue udah selese trus gurunya juga baik jadi gue buka blogger sambil ngeposting ini hahah.
Skrg gue bosen gabisa ngapa2in (gabisa buka; Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Online Games whatsoever gt karna di block hahah kesel-.-) jadinya nasib gue tinggal sama blogger.
eh udah mau selese nih, byebye dulu ya entar kalo udh plg sklh gue ngepost lagi dehya janji. ByeBye
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 8:16 PM 0 comments
okay tadi gue abis beli Gogirl! edisi october gt hihi btw gak kerasa ya udah october trus bntr lagi halloween hahah.
Jadi Gogirl! yg edisi ini covernya Jonas Brothers (tumben covernya cowok wkwk) trus isinya ttg music gt pokoknya asik deh
hm gatau knp ini warna covernya aneh grgr blogger uh pdhl sbnrnys bgs bgt deh gaboongokay itu doang, kalo lo pada mau liat websitenya gogirl buka aja: hehe sumpah itu webnya asik bgt lo bisa liat gossip2 trus fashion, music, cool places, etc pokoknya asik deh,
ByTheWay AnyWay BusWay gue gasabar halloween nih hmmm pengennya ada halloween party gt trus bikin jack-o-lantern hihi asik deh pastiiii, uh gasabar.
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 5:48 AM 0 comments
Los Angeles
heya blogreaders, now i wanna post about LOS ANGELES woohoo! haha i know im sooooo lame i havent been there but maybe summer next year ill go there with my family (MAYBE). and here's some places i wanna visit there:
Universal Studios:
Six Flags:
Beverly Hills:
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 5:26 AM 0 comments
posting marathon
hola amigoooos, now i'm doing a posting marathon with diandra (@diandradvt) and with random ideas inside my head *aaaaaaaaaa* i dont even know what to write, seriously help.
ayodong otak gue kerja dikit napa, masa gue mau kalah siiih, ih engga maaaau. ok skrg gue mau nyari ide ke google walopun gatau mau nyari apa hahah bego. yaudah sih ya bodo.
okeh selese disini aja ya gue mau posting post yg berikutnya
i didnt got you this time, HAHAH
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 5:04 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Diana CMYK or Colorsplash Chakra?
Ni hao! (trying to speak mandarin but i actually really suck at it)
Since I still can't sleep tonight and my mom says my dad will come home laaaate, real late because his friend just passed away (may he rest in peace, god:D)and he's going to the "upacara pembakaran" thing for buddha people (it's ridiculous, why do the made a ceremony at midnight?) okay whatever soooooooo i'm real sad about it but happy too because about the fact that my dad wouldn't come home early so i can stay up all night :) (not really, i still have school for 2morrow ewh suckish-.-)
Now, lets get to the topic okay. Hm so i dont know what to choose either Diana CMYK or Colorsplash Chakra. my money from this year's THR is enough for both of it but now i cant choose, aaaaaa help me.
Diana CMYK:
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black – the four important colours in offset printing. This standard colour model has splashed its way onto our new ultra-bright clone – the Diana F+ CMYK Edition! It’s bound to catch everyone’s attention!
Here’s to all you colour-lovers! The Diana F+ CMYK Edition is a certified showoff, hotstepping in Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. The Diana F+ is our faithful reproduction of the 60s classic Diana camera. Our version introduces enhanced features such as the ability to take pinhole and panoramic images, and options to use Diana+ lenses and accessories. Paired with the Diana 35mm Back+, it can also take 35mm photos!
• Eye-popping and colourful in CMYK – the four basic ink colours in printing
• Produces lo-fi, soft-focused, vignetted medium format images that the Diana is known for
• Uses 120 film (and 35mm when used with Diana 35mm Back+)
• Package includes: retro-styled Diana Flash, “More True Tales & Short Stories” Diana Vignettes hardcover book, color gel filters, 12 & 16-shot format frames, shutter lock, neckstrap, lens cap & multilingual instructions
Colorsplash Chakra:Description: Colorsplash Camera Chakra:
Re-cast your world in a gorgeous riot of color! Snap up 35mm photos with this unique-looking little fella, and paint your images with a splash of color, day or night! This special limited edition has been customized by Staple Design with a rubberized surface and Staple’s signature pigeon graphics.
Its patented colorwheel system puts several tinted flash filters at your finger tips for instant selection; with an additional 9 filters included to exchange. Long exposure capability creates dreamy streaked backgrounds behind crisp, color-flashed foregrounds.
Package Includes:
- Chakra Edition Colorsplash Camera
- Colorsplash Chakras Book (384-page hardcover)
- Color Gels
- Poster
- Manual
Well actually i like Diana CMYK better but it's using a 120mm film and its hard to find and also very expensiveee so, but we can use a Diana 35mm back but its rare (i have to order it first) and its like 1 million rupiah or something, wew i think better use it for something else. and its too heavy and big i think, i wont carry it where ever, not like my fisheye:) i wanna buy Colorsplash Chakra but Tiara and Safira already has it so i dont wanna be a copycaaat, mehehe:p
So, which one do you think i have to buy? commenttttt!
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson to Reportedly Come Out of Dating Closet
On the surface, it would appear as though Adam Lambert has little in common with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
But the American Idol runner-up can relate to the hottest rumored couple in Hollywood in one significant way: for months, Lambert - quietly and with class - dealt with rumors of his homosexuality.
He barely commented on the topic, choosing instead to let his performances speak for themselves. Eventually, he admitted his sexual orientation to Rolling Stone in June.
Sound familiar? Everyone assumes Rob and Kristen are dating, everyone is fine with that, yet no one knows for certain.
As the media bears down, Robert Pattinson wants to come clean with reporters. But Kristen Stewart is distracted by her man's sex appeal.
According to In Touch Weekly, though, the couple is prepared to follow Lambert's lead and go public with its romance in December. That tabloid claims Robsten will give a tell-all interview to Harper's Bazaar.
Says a source, regarding Pattinson and Stewart's conversation with the publication: “Rob and Kristen were relatively open about their relationship."
Only time will tell if this interview actually takes place. Until then, we're sure desperate celebrity gossip rags will publish misleading reports about the state of Robsten and its future as a couple.
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 8:36 AM 0 comments
Paris Hilton's Pink Bentleyy!
Paris Hilton has bought herself a Christmas present - a new $200,000 custom built Bentley. A fan of Barbie, Paris decided to pimp out her Bentley in her favorite color - PINK !! She even decorated the interior of the car to match the exterior.
Speaking to E! Online about her new ride Paris, dressed all in pink, said, "I've just always wanted a pink car. I think when you're a little girl and you have the Barbie corvette you're always like, 'Oh I wish I had a car like this one day,' so I think it just comes from being a fan of Barbie for so long."

ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Having fun with Tiara
bonjour, hola, ciao, hello, halo whoever that's reading my blog. I just got home from Tiara's. mm dan sekarang gue gamau lanjut pake bahasa inggris karna takut dikira sok inggris, pdhl gue sejujurnya make bhs eng bukan karna mau sok gaul ato apa tp emang nyaman aja.
anyways gue abis pulang dr rmh Tiara (@tsalvabilla) trus kita td gt seperti biasa pake lomo fisheye gue dan kali ini juga pake holga plus colorsplashnya Tiara.
Gue disana agak lama tapi ga ngapa2in beneran cm foto2 sama ngobrol doang pdhl gue sbnrnya pgn bikin video ato apalah gt tp ya tiara selalu malessssss jadinya kita foto2 doang titik sama gue ngeliatin dia buka fb sm twitternya doang ckck.
trus abis itu gue dijemput dan lgsg ke fuji film radio dalam (as usual wkwk) dan kesel karna jadinya besok.
Abis itu gue pulang dan skrg lg drmh ngetik postingan yg gapenting ini karna ga ada ide buat nge post apa2 trus gue kesel karna diandra udh ngantuk jd dia mls diajak balapan post hahah.
Udh itu aja gue gamau nulis panjang2. dan skrg gue lg nyari ide buat posts lagi. oh iya bsk gue janji bakalan mskin foto2 dari fisheye sama holga.
i've got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Not in the mood.
hello whats up everyone? miss me? I know you do.
so i haven't posted anything for 2 days (the current obsession thing is made by Safira Arum haha i told her to post something on my blog-____-) because I'm really really not in the mood to post something on my blog, really.
mm and u guys have to know something, TOMORROW'S SCHOOL!!!!!!! hhh i hate so much, i just wished that BINUS will be bombed by Noordin M Top's friend or the place will be flooded because we just had a heavy rain wkwk well i know those thing wouldn't really happen but i wish it would ;)
and yeah I'm really not in the mood for posting a loooooooong post and tomorrow's school so i gotta sleep (suckish) and maybe tomorrow i'll post something about the 2 days. so, catch ya later. byebye
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
my current obsession: Mau Berenanggg!!
ok jadi gue tuh dari kmrn pengen bgt berenang. Gue sebenernya udah diajak temen gue, safira tapi gak jadi melulu. Haha terus hari ini, which is tanggal brp gktau tapi hr sabtu, safira ngajak gue lagi dan tapi gak bisa krn kolam renang dia tuh dipake adeknya gituuu. Terus ya gt, eh ternyata eh trnyt, dia mau nyusul adekkknya gt berenang haha. Ok terus yaaaa gt deh, pokoknya tetep pgn berenaaaaang!! Haha ok that's all for now.
I've got you,
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 2:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
skrg gue lg pengen ngeposts ttg bbrp hal yg bikin gue ketawa ngakak (ngga ngakak jg sih hahah)
ABG gaya selangit ngomong di telepon: “Aahhh serius lo? Masa siiiih? O-EM-JI! O-EM-JI! OOO-EEEM-JIII! OH-MY-JOD!”
Carrefour Lebak Bulus, didengar oleh pengunjung lain yang ingin mengadakan tahlilan untuk ABG itu
Anak: "Ada restoran di Bandung, yang menyajikan makanan di dalem kegelapan total lho, Ma!"
Ibu: Buat apa makan gelap-gelap?"
Anak: "Soalnya indera pengecapnya jadi lebih maksimal..."
Ibu: (memotong) "Oh kayak di film yang di poks kraim, yah!" (suara keras)
Anak: "Err... itu fox cri..."
Ibu: (memotong) "Kadang di Ha Be O juga ada tuh!"
Restoran di Jakarta Barat, di dengar oleh anak yang langsung ingin mengganti remote TV dengan tape belajar grammar.
Senior: "Eh, loe kan ahli berbagai bahasa. Gua mau tanya!"
Junior: "Apa kak?"
Senior: "Bahasa inggrisnya handphone apa?"
Didengar sesama senior yang merasa temannya belum lulus les inggris tingkat beginner.
Seorang Cowo: "Aduh haus nih, ga ada air!"
Seorang Bapak: "Kalau gak ada air, tayamum aja, dek."
Didengar oleh seseorang yang langsung mencari penghisap debu.
PRT: (masuk lift, dan setelah lift turun untuk beberapa saat) "Waduh! Ini turun ya? Duh saya salah!" (panik)
Penghuni: "Lho, emang mbak mau kemana?"
PRT: "Mau ke basement."
Apartemen di Harmoni, didengar seluruh penumpang lift yang merasa sumber gravitasi langsung berubah.
Karyawan #1: "Mas, istri mas kan baru melahirkan, 'puasa' donk?"
Karyawan #2: "Iya niy, puasa 40 Hari deh..."
Karyawan #3 (sedang hamil): "40 Hari berarti 10 bulan donk mas!! lama banget donk..."
Kuningan, Jakarta, didengar oleh satu mobil yang merasa karyawan #3 masih menggunakan kalender suku kanibal Amerika Selatan.
HAHA goblok-goblok semua kaaan?
kalo lo mau liat lagi yg kaya gini buka aja hehe
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 12:58 PM 0 comments
I'm the winner..................WOHOO!!
well actually its not really fair, tiara should post 6 posts, and me......only 3
Hahah gk adil kaaaaan? btw sebelum nge-judge gueee, Tiara itu post 6 karna dia post pendek2, sedangkan gue.............lumayan panjang hahah jadi tetep aja gue menang gituloh.
mm menurut gue post yg "New Moon" itu kurang bermutu pgn gue delete tp gpplaaah, soalnya guetuh jarang post yg pendek2 gitu (ceilah) oklah bodo.
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 12:46 PM 0 comments
hola peoplee! its one more post! wohoo cant wait to be a winner! blabla whateveerrr-___-
so i really like this placeeeeeee, umm disneyland. ive ever been to tokyo disneyland but it was no fun! huh:( well actually its fun but there are some rides that i dont understand because they use japanese language, even though i'm japanese i cant speak their language HAHA i know i SUCK!!
okaythen whateverrrrr, i want to go to Disney's California Adventure Park which is a looooooot more fun huff. the place was a lot bigger and the rides are a lot cooleeeeer. this is the pict
i really wanna try the ride called; The Twilight Zone of Tower of Terror
and Soarin' Over California
mm cool, i think i will be really sooooooooooarin' over california HAHAH.
and alsooooooo, i'll buy a looooooot of stitch things there like i did in tokyo disneyland, i spend more than ¥10.000
hahah so...............winner?
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 12:27 PM 0 comments
New Moon.
#heyhey semua gue skrg masih balapan sama tiara secara gue baru satu (dua kalo sm skrg, wkwk) trus tiara skrg udh dua tp singkat2 huh gaasik kan curangggg.
jadi gue lg menanti film ini nih yg ktnya bklan bagus, tp gatau jg sih hahah
i like the castsss, taylor lautner is cute and rob pattison is hot krist stewart is freakin pretty:)
well who are you? Team Jacob or Team Edward? I guess I'm team............JACOB!!
ive got you!
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 12:11 PM 0 comments
Harajuku Lovers Fragrance
bonjour bitches now currently i'm racing with Tiara haha well the first one that can post 3 posts on each our blog won!!
so i dont have any idea what to post but anyway i'll tell you about a product i like which is............
mm its a perfume made by Gwen Stefani. There's Five types which are: LOVE, LIL' ANGEL, MUSIC, BABY, AND G.
Love is a sensual floral, the tender, romantic, sensual.
Lil' Angel is a fruity floral, the colorful, sweet, tasty.
G is a modern gourmand, the tropical, sunny, delicious.
Music is a delicate floral, the sparkling, yummy, juicy.
Baby is a powdery musk, the fresh, clean, soft.
The one I have is the tender, romantic, sensual one. teehee which one do you think is mine? :p
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Photos from my cybershot
bonjour blogwalker! any of you guys haven't sleep yet? yess, MOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (okay whtvr)
mm i didnt feel like sleeping because as you know tomorrow's weekend so i can sleep anytime i want wihii (so what?! i'm still on spring holiday anyways which will end on monday huu) and I promised you guys that I will post picts from my cybershot so i think i will just do it know.
Days captured in cybershot:
September 29, '09
September 30, '09
October 1, '09
well i've pay my promise hehe
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Lomo Fisheye Mike Perry Edition
Hello again everyone! mm since I'm too lazy to shower, I decided to post something again.
Skrg gue pgn ngasih tau lo-lo semua bentuk Lomo Fisheye yg gue sangat Addicted about.
mm sebelumnya gue pgn cerita kisahnya deh (ceilah)
Jadi Kaka gue gt yg skrg lg kuliah di amrik (hu, I miss him..........) nanya gue pgn apa hadiah ultah dr dia gtkan trus gue search lomo and ini yg plg menarik and karna gue yakin ini pasti gak pasaran gt, jrg yg punya. akhirnya gue blg ke dia kan tp dia sempet blg jgn yg itu kan karna adanya cmn di URBAN OUTFITTERS and urban itu agak jauh dr tmpt dia gt. Jdnya gue sempet hopeless................
Nah akhirnya pas tgl 14 (My Birthday) ato tgl 15/16 gt lupa nyampe gt barangnya dikirim lewat TIKI ato semacamnya deh gue lupa (HAHA mana ada TIKI di us) trus gue kesenengan dan akhirnya lgsg nelfon diiaaaaaaa ah pokoknya gue cinta bgt sama dia he's the best brother ever walopun kdg nyebelin dan suka ngeledek gue wkwk.
And this is the Picture (from
i've got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 1:30 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Late Posts
Sorry Everyone I haven't post anything for a few days because I just got my laptop back from my mom because her friend borrowed it and brought it to "Kalimantan" for something that i didn't know exactly (WTF?!) and I cant use my blackberry because it wont work on or something.
So, this is what I did on the three days I skipped:
September 29, 2009
On that day I went to Sency with my bitches; Tiara Salvabilla Melvin (@tsalvabilla) and Diandra Devita (@diandradvt) so first me and Tiara ate Sour Sally and I ordered; Pinklicious with longans, pink mochi and nata de coco on top :D.
Then we bought ______ haha wew sounds like good girls gone bad. and then we find places to use that thing but we couldn't found a perfect place so we ended up in XKTV actually we didn't like that place because it's too expensive (200.000 for an hour. WTF?!) mm but it's worth laah because there we can do our first * privately.
After that we ate at Hoka Hoka Bento and then Tiara tried a contact lens but she didn't buy it because she's forced to go home by Mbak Atun (her evil maid wkwk)
So Tiara went home and then I bought Tutti Frutti Yogurt and it's so freakin yummy and it's fun because we do the thing DIY-ly and I mixed all of the yogurt flavor and take maaaany longans hihi after that I went home and Diandra is still with her mom.
September 30, 2009
On that I went to Safira Arum's (@safira1arum) House.
There, I took pictures with my lomo fisheye and put Safira's Colorsplash's Color gels and it's freakin fun to do experiment with it. We also took pictures with Safira's Colorsplash which is veryvery cool and also with my Cybershot camera.
After enough taking pictures, we went to Fujifilm Radio Dalam to print the photos from our lomo. we waited there for like 1 hour and here's the result from my fisheye;
results from Safira's Colorsplash;cool right? I know, I know hahah.
October 1, 2009
So yesterday I went to High/Scope with Safira (again, hahah). There, first I met Carissa and Nabila for only like a few minutes then they went to photo copy center or smthn. Then we went to a place that connect Building 1 and Building 2 (I don't know the name wkwk) and there I met Kanya, Kara, Bila, Ulla, Goldie, Kelsey, Danna, and Tiara we took some pictures with as usual, my fisheye and my cybershot. and here's the result:
After that, me, Tiara, and Atheera (@atheeraa) went to pim. There, we went to heavenly blush and talk about gossips, wiii. Then I went home because I feel dizzy because of brain freeze, errrrgh and Atheera went to Tiara's House. But before I went home I went to Fujifilm Radio Dalam again to print those picture above hihi and now I'm started to feel Addicted with my fisheye.
Mm that's all everyone, bye got to take a bath and I promise later I'll post the pictures from my cybershot ok?
I've got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 11:53 PM 0 comments