hello everyone, i just got home from tiara's crib and its been a loooooong time i havent posted anything yet. sorry im too busy with all of those craps and i forgot you oops sorry bebehhh(eww).
so from now ill be active again like i used to.
and bye, gotta go to find some ideas
ive got you
Saturday, October 24, 2009
fresh new start
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 1:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Soulnation 2009
hello again everyone. now im gonna post about Java Soulnation 09
so im gonna watch with my best gawls; Tiara Salvabilla (@tsalvabilla), Diandra Devita (@diandradvt) and my friend from binus, Anneesha Atheera (@atheeraa)
uuh cant wait to watch THE TING TINGS!also...........
Maliq n d'essentials.
well thats all........gotta go, byeeee.
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 2:45 AM 0 comments
My Saturday Plan
hello, now im gonna post about my saturday plan with my girlfriends; Diandra Devita (@diandradvt) and Emily Jasmine (@emljsm)
so our plan is first we'll go to emily's house for a while, then we'll go to Kemang Icon for swimming yeaaay finallyyy!
wii i cant wait to swim! i know im so noraaak
then maybe we'll eat pizza at izzi pizza
or if possible we'll take pizza making lesson at pizza marzano, uuuw its gonna be funfunfun!
after that maybe we'll find somewhere else or just go to em's house before we go shisha-ing
hihi im sure we'll take so many pictures together with my fisheyeeee, UHH CANT WAIT!
okaythen byebye, gonna post about something else. see ya in a moment.
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 2:03 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
Dinner Party with Miss Universe 2009
heyheya, i've changed my blog's header hihi hope ya like it;)
So.........hari sabtu kemaren gue Dinner Party gitu sama Miss Universe 2009: Stefania Fernandez di Nikko Hotel.
ini dia orgnya:ih pokoknya dia tuh ya ga cantik-cantik amat tapi soknyaaaaaa selangit ckck. masa ya kan abis gue foto sama dia gt gue senyumin kan dia eh trus bukannya malah senyum balik malah jutek trus buang muka, ewwwww i-hate-the-miss-bad-attitude.
haha bener kata kanya (@knydhanika) catikan Dayana Mendoza (Miss Universe 2008)
okay, trus main course dinnernya tenderloin steak and lobster or something and dessertnya kue apa gt lupa pokoknya enak bgt deh gaboong. Acara di dinnernya ada kyk Hono-o-daiko haha sama opera2 thing whatsoever yg ga terlalu menghibur jadinya gue bosen apalagi disebrang gue ada si stefania fernandez abal, huh males deh liat mukanya.
Abis itu gue pulang dulu pdhl sblmnya mau ke G.I tp bonyok males, ya udah deh selesai
i've got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 3:41 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Technology Class
hey blogreaders, now i'm in technology class doing some stupid stuff and sadly i cant open facebook, twitter and youtube because its banned (screw you, Binus!) so i can just open the boriiiing blogger. okay whatever i dont know what to do and im sorry because i havent been posting since.............forever (lebay). maybe later i'll post something more interesting than this.
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
At Binus
bonjour bitches. skrg gue lagi di Library gt disekolah gue, BINUS SIMPRUG haha so kita disini disuruh search ttg project buat International Humanities tapi berhubung gue udah selese trus gurunya juga baik jadi gue buka blogger sambil ngeposting ini hahah.
Skrg gue bosen gabisa ngapa2in (gabisa buka; Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Online Games whatsoever gt karna di block hahah kesel-.-) jadinya nasib gue tinggal sama blogger.
eh udah mau selese nih, byebye dulu ya entar kalo udh plg sklh gue ngepost lagi dehya janji. ByeBye
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 8:16 PM 0 comments
okay tadi gue abis beli Gogirl! edisi october gt hihi btw gak kerasa ya udah october trus bntr lagi halloween hahah.
Jadi Gogirl! yg edisi ini covernya Jonas Brothers (tumben covernya cowok wkwk) trus isinya ttg music gt pokoknya asik deh
hm gatau knp ini warna covernya aneh grgr blogger uh pdhl sbnrnys bgs bgt deh gaboongokay itu doang, kalo lo pada mau liat websitenya gogirl buka aja: hehe sumpah itu webnya asik bgt lo bisa liat gossip2 trus fashion, music, cool places, etc pokoknya asik deh,
ByTheWay AnyWay BusWay gue gasabar halloween nih hmmm pengennya ada halloween party gt trus bikin jack-o-lantern hihi asik deh pastiiii, uh gasabar.
ive got you
Posted by Miyuki Murakami at 5:48 AM 0 comments